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証道勸勉20130818 Sermon & Encouragement

証道勸勉 20130818
講員:唐寶振長老    主題:



亞伯因著信,獻祭予神比該隱所獻的更美,因此便得到稱義的嘉許,就是神指他禮物作的嘉許。  亞伯雖死了,卻因這信,仍舊說話。


亞伯獻祭比該隱所獻更得神喜悅,究何原因?  是因動物較植物好?  脂油較果粒種子好?  或頭生的較其他好?  縱然這是原因,神卻沒有預先教導該隱亞伯,不知者那有罪?  更何況該隱是種地的,把自己的收成獻給神作感恩,何罪之有?  該隱亞伯是神親手創造的那對不聽命男女──亞當夏娃所生的第一二個兒子,亦是生出來的人類最早後裔。  但聖經記載關於這兩孩子的事情,卻是怒恨、殺人和流血, 原因為何?


亞當夏娃不聽從神命令,是叛逆或不信,以致罪臨在所有人類,整個世界。  神用該隱亞伯的殺人流血事情件告訴人類在罪中的情況,就是殺戮流血和死亡,除非人類能作神喜悅的事情,特別是因信靠神而作。  (該隱)若行得不好,罪就伏在門前。  無人能幸免。  罪的始作俑者是古蛇撒旦,它的作為是欺騙殺害毀壞,使人生充滿苦楚和必須死亡。  人生沒有出路,唯有信靠真神和作神喜悅的事。

該隱行得好,豈不蒙神悅納,脫離罪的咒詛,得著賜福。  人若信靠真神也行神所喜悅的事,人生就滿有真神賜福,少有禍患,甚至勝過死亡。  亞伯雖然死了,(靈魂?)依然在說話。
Sermon & Encouragement 20130818
Preacher: Elder Peter Tong    Topic:
Free from Cursing by Faith
Scripture: Hebrews 11verses1-6

Scripture in brief:

By faith Abel still spaks even though he is dead

Cain do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door 


Scripture Teaching:

By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did.  By faith Abel was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offering act.  And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.

Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did, for what reason?  Is it because animal is better than plant? Fat is better than fruit and seed? First born is better than the others?  Though these may be the reasons, but God did not teach Abel & Cain in advance, why was the uninformed punished?  Furthermore, Cain was a farmer, he offered his own harvest to God as thanksgiving, what’s wrong with it?  Cain & Abel were the first two sons of the first man & woman personally created by God, they were also the earliest offspring given birth in human race.  But what recorded in the Bible concerning these two sons, was an event of hatred, killing and bloodshed, why? 

Adam & Eve did not obey the command of God, disobeyed or un-believed, leading to the occupation of sin in all human beings, and the whole world.  Making use of this man-slaughtering event of Abel & Cain, God inform the whole human race the phenomenon of being in sin, i.e. killing, bloodshed and death, unless human beings act what is pleasing to God, especially acting out of faith.  If you (Cain) do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door.    No one can avoid.  The origin of sin is serpent satan, its acts are deception, killings and destruction, making lives of human beings full of sufferings and death.  There is no way out, except putting faith in God and do what pleasing Him.  

If Cain did what is right, will he not be accepted by God?  Get rid of the cursing of sin, receive blessings instead.  If human beings put their faith in God and do what pleasing Him, life will be full of blessings, less problems, even overcome death.  Though he is dead, Abel (his spirit?) still speaks.