神愛世人 神恩惠菲律賓人
從第一批菲律賓姊妹進駐耶穌恩典福音教會開始,至今已4年多。 其間路過的菲律賓人眾多,透過這教會經歷上帝的屬靈及實物賜福的也不少。 當中有未信的聽到福音,相信耶穌及受浸者甚眾。 因著各種原因離開的雖多,留下的,目前是全女班,也不少。 透過此教會她們成長,相交,服侍及不斷經歷更多上帝賜福。 教會剛於上星期舉行,她們主理的英文聚會,兩周年慶祝會。 英文聚會於每月第三主日下午三至五時舉行,歡迎參與。
從神確定服侍暫留香港菲律賓人事工後,耶穌恩典福音教會為此作出一些改變。 主日崇拜及講道轉為廣東話及英語,雙語進行。 頌讚改唱中英共版詩歌,信息亦盡可能調教至適合雙方文化及中菲皆明。 如此改變對同工而言是工作加重,華人聚眾亦需要時間及耐心適應。 至於留下的菲律賓姊妹,也面對挑戰。 她們需要調整自己以適應華人教會待奉模式,及與華人聚眾相處。 實不容易但她們做到。 哈利路亞。
至於菲律賓團契本身,姊妹們要不斷努力減低和消除各之間的差異。 菲律賓並非小國,不同省份島嶼的居群,在語言;背景;傳統;習慣;文化及其他眾多事情上,甚有差異,姊妹們與教會都需要不時處理解決。 還有那基督徒肢體間,因不同信主年資;深度;對神認識及擺上程度所產生的慣性相處問題。 她們不斷進步,邁向正確方向-神的愛。 讚美神。
可以服待留港菲律賓群體是神的恩寵,她們也是耶穌恩典福音教會的祝福。 另一方面,付出小額薪金,而得著菲律賓傭工用心及努力的服務,是香港人福氣。 基督徒菲傭,常為老板家庭不斷祝福代禱及作見証,更是香港僱主的屬靈福氣。 本教會也相信,透過菲律賓信徒在屬靈生命上的不住進步,及世界各地基督徒的祝福禱告,菲律賓必能成為正直,強大及富足的基督教國家。 感謝神。
God Love the World God Bless Filipinos in His Grace
It has been more than 4 years since the first few Filipino sisters settled themselves in the Evangelical Grace Church of Jesus. Since then, many Filipinos pass-by; experience spiritual and tangible blessings of God through this Church. Amongst them, many non-believers hear the Gospel, believe in Jesus and are baptized. Many left for various reasons; and many, all female at the moment, stay on. They grow, fellowship, serve and experience further blessing by God through the Evangelical Grace Church of Jesus. Last week, the Church celebrated the 2nd anniversary of the formal English meeting chaired by Filipino sisters themselves. They English meeting is held every 3rd Sunday of the month, from 3 to 5 pm. Everybody is welcomed.
When she was confirmed by God of this ministry of serving Filipinos temporary staying in Hong Kong, the Evangelical Grace Church of Jesus adopted some changes to serve them. The Sunday worships and sermons were run bilingually in English and Cantonese. Praising songs available in both languages were sung. Messages were tuned, whenever possible, to suit both cultures and made understandable by both Chinese and Filipinos. The changes were a bit of task for all serving workers and took the Chinese congregation quite some time and patience to adjust to. For the Filipino sisters staying on, they faced the challenge to self-adjust as well, to get along with a Hong Kong church and Chinese congregation. Really not easy but they have made it. Hallelujah.
Concerning the Filipino fellowship itself, the sisters have been struggling much in the past 4 years to reduce and eliminate the difference between them. The Philippines is not a small country, locals from difference provinces or islands vary in dialects; background; tradition; habits; cultures and many others. These are things the sisters and the Church keep handling and solving, along with the usual relation problems of Christians caused by differences in length of time, depth, knowledge and commitment in Christ. They are improving in the correct direction - the love of God. Praise the Lord.
It is the grace of God for the privilege for the Evangelical Grace Church of Jesus to be in His ministry to serve Filipinos temporary staying in Hong Kong, they are a blessing to the Church. On the other hand, Filipino domestic helpers are practical blessing to HongKongers by their heartedly and diligent works for small salary. Christian Filipino domestic helpers, with their frequent prayers for and testimonies to their employers and their families, are their spiritual blessing too. It is the strong belief of the Church that one day, through the constant improving spiritual lives of Filipino Christians, and the prayers of blessing of Christians around the world, the country Philippines will become a nation upright, strong and rich in Christ. Thank God.