感謝神,讓耶穌恩典福音教會有位份服侍社區缺欠人;服侍其他教會肢體和基督群體;也能在環保事情上出一分力。 這也是本教會實物事工的中心理念。
在傢俱家品事工中,今日作一見證。 多年來在社區服侍中,得著一些商舖的認同。 長寧街李氏夫婦經營的成利回收店,不時以低廉價錢將一些還用得着的物品轉賣給我們,讓我們整理後再轉贈有需要人仕群體。 年李氏夫婦更慷慨地免費將物資送給我們,包括風扇;長者支撐用品;輪椅等等,對我們的事工既是祝福亦是鼓勵。
今日成利回收店來了一位新員工張太,像往日其他職員一樣,樂意將物品搬給我運走。 在短暫傾談中得悉,張太曾於端午節到臨本教會取端午糉禮品,她是九龍城浸信會肢體。
令我感恩的是,一路以來上帝就是安排了很多其他教會,包括城浸的主內肢體,將剩餘物資交本教會作處理轉送,更有金錢奉獻。 剛在過去的星期六,透過本教會的菲傭姊妹安排,從她老板家中接收一些嬰兒床及嬰兒車。 短暫交談中感覺到這老板Gary (及太太Anna) 是平易善良人,他們也是九龍城浸信會肢體。
上帝給我們位份服侍社區群眾和其他教會肢體,同時安排社區通達人及其他教會肢體,愛心送出物資或奉獻金錢祝福本教會事工。 這是上帝安排的合一互動服侍。 哈利路亞。 (文章日期 20130812)
平平安安地去吧 祝願你們穿得暖 吃(自己)得飽?
神的美意,基督教會在世間亦作實質愛心服侍。 耶穌恩典福音教會受命實質幫助有需要貧窮人,送贈物資物品 包括傢俬、電器、電腦及其他。 本教會從富足家庭或企業收集多餘物資物品,處理後轉贈居住於土瓜灣,紅磡及城中其他地區有需要貧窮人。 受惠者包括本地人、新來港大陸移民、少數族裔 如巴基斯坦、印度、斯里蘭卡、泰國、菲律賓人等。 本事工不單惠及有需要長者,單親家庭、弱勢社群、困難人和寄居者,亦幫助很多富足人成就心願,將多餘物資物品轉贈有需要貧窮人,免得作廢物掉棄。 本事工循環再用物資物品,減少廢物,既環保亦愛護地球,乃聖經真理之正確實踐,榮神益人。
為此事工,神供應地方、工具和勞動力處理物資物品,亦透過不同渠道提供物資物品送贈人士和機構,亦提供受助者,以致事工非常興旺及不斷擴展。 神亦感動其他教會、機構、信徒及非信徒參與提供物資供應者及受助人。 事工實踐基督教合一精神,在愛與關懷之動機上作實質服侍。 世人因此認同教會及信徒是基督門徒,也相信我們傳講的耶穌及聖經真理。
物資出入興旺,滿有愛心的送贈者及感恩受惠人士眾多,參與教會及基督徒亦不勝枚數。 今次提及一位愛心人,是救世軍港澳軍區環翠宿舍的司徒院長。 因着搬遷,她和丈夫出資安排送來一車好傢俬和家電,交托本教會轉送有需要人士。 如此,有多個家庭受惠,包括幾個巴基斯坦家庭。 教會本身及牧者亦得益。(文章日期20110820)
Interacting Ministries in Local Community & amongst Churches
Thank God, for giving the Evangelical Grace Church of Jesus the position to serve the needy in the local community; to serve brethren of other churches and Christian bodies; and to paticipate in enviromental preservation. These are also the core concept of the Substance-Ministries of the Church.
Concerning our Furniture-&-Home-Items Ministry, I give a testimony today. Having served the local community for a few years, we gain favour of some shops. A scarp shop run by Mr & Mrs Lee in Cheung Ning Street, has been selling to us in low price many usable items, which we fix and re-disribute to needy people. This year, Mr & Mrs Lee are so generous to give items to us free of charge, including electric fans; supporting items for eldrely; wheelchairs etc, what a blessing and encouragement to our ministries.
Today, come a new staff Mrs Cheung in the Lee's scarp shop, and like other staff she is helpful in taking items to me. In short conversation, Mrs Cheung told me she had once visited our Church, on that dragon-boat-festival Sunday we invited local folks to attend worship and receiving of rice dumplings. She is brethren of the Kowloon City Baptist Church.
What I want to give thank is that, all along God has arrange brethren of many other Churches, including those of the Kowloon City Baptist Church, in giving to us surplus items to re-distribute to needy people; and in offering of money occasionally. On the Saturday just passed, through the arrangement of one of our Filippino house-maid sister, we collected some baby bedst and trolley from her boss. In the short conversation with the boss Gary (and his wife Anna), I could feel they are gentle and kind persons, they are brethren of the Kwoloon City Baptist Church too.
God give us the position to serve people in the local community and brethren of other churches, and at the same time He arrange capable local people and church brethren to bless our minitries with items and money in His love. These are interacting minitries in one accord arranged by God. Hallelujah. (artical dated20130812)
Go in peace keep warm and eat your(selves)?
In the purpose of God, Christian churches serve practical function in the world. Evangelical Grace Church of JESUS is given the ministry to practically help the poor and needy with tangible items, especially household furniture, electrical appliance, computers and others. Egc-JESUS collects used give–away items from sufficient families or business, fix them and give directly to poor and needy families in the local districts of Tokwawan and Homhum, and elsewhere in the City. Items are also given through others churches and caring organization. The recipients include Hongkongers, new immigrants from Mainland China, ethnic minorities including Pakistani; Indian; Sri-Lankan; Thai; Filipino etc. This ministry benefits elderly; single parents; under-privileged and people in hardship. This ministry fulfills the wish of those who are sufficient or affluent, who need to dispose of excessive items and have the heart to benefit the poor and needy rather than throwing them away as rubbish. This ministry re-uses and recycles items, it is environmentally friendly and mother-nature preserved. Biblical truth is put into correct practice and God is glorified.
God provides place, tools and man-power effect this ministry. God sources donators and relates to the Church people and organizations in need. Evangelical Grace Church of JESUS is blessed to be connected to many givers and receivers through involvement of many churches and brothers & sisters in Christ. This is a ministry of unity between churches and Christians, with love and caring being the underlying motive. The world sees that we are disciples of JESUS, the ministry prospers and expands.
Items keep coming and going, with many benevolent givers and grateful receivers. One recent giver we have to mention is Ms Seto of Wan Tsui Home for Boys of The Salvation Army HK. In moving house, she and her husband gave to the church a full lorry load of good furniture and electrical appliance. Nearly ten families benefited from them, including the church and her pastor. (Article dated 20110820)