服侍神是福氣。 能與不同教會肢體合作服侍,更是福上加福。
數星期前居於土瓜灣的播道會恩福堂亞明及慧子肢體夫婦因搬家原故,接觸我們希望將多餘傢俬家品經本教會轉送有需要家庭。 唯因傢俬頗大件數亦多,加上家在唐八樓,並無電梯,此搬運並非我們能力可處理。 縱然願意出資聘請搬運公司收取,但花費於一些未必能在短期送出的物資上,或不合宜,更或耗油增排。 再者,傢俬收取後作儲存,牽涉昂貴地方資源。 然而亞明慧子夫婦是有心人,數星期後還是決定自己出資將傢俬運到本教會。 既是有心人,我相信他們有責任感。 亞明慧子夫婦搬遷時盡力清潔交吉,故此搬運清理工作和費用不能省。 縱要棄掉傢俬物品,也得運到本教會,因為棄物(不一定是廢物)收集站就在教會樓下。 直接送上教會,花費浪費不增。 感謝神。
那天,當亞明弟兄再來電知會將傢俬一兩天之內運到本教會。 然而就在早一天,泰人恩福中心林奕峰弟兄來電查詢,有兩個上公屋的泰人家庭家無長物,急需傢俬。 如事者,星期五傢俬到達,經即時判斷,清潔及維修,半數在星期日下午就送出了。 物品中亦有一舊雪櫃,外殘內汚,但機件良好,非常凍。 星期日聚會後,幾個菲律賓姊妹合力努力加以清潔好,於兩天後送給紅磡基督徒會堂熱心侍主的Winson弟兄,適合他粗用於工作地方。 神的作工及時間多好,哈利路亞。
餘下的,有一高身雜物櫃及一龐大衣櫃,雜物櫃經深度清潔,變身成好櫃。 6呎闊龐大衣櫃,因服侍對象為基層,難有需求。 但感謝神,祂給我智慧能力,將它改成4呎雙門高身衣櫃。 剛好在這段時間,恩召堂Annie姊妹服侍的一位未信主年輕單身女士, 剛上公屋缺乏傢俬。 如是者,在昨天20130122,我們一行5眾,包括Annie姊妹及另一Mike弟兄,我們兩夫婦及一主內南亞裔幫工,同心合力的把這兩櫃與另一洗衣機,送到將軍澳放好及安裝,完成愛心服侍。 其間亦作關懷鼓勵。 榮耀歸神。
送贈泰人家庭傢物中有一上下格鐵床,是其他教會的一位黎太姊妹最近送出;送贈那單身女士的洗衣機,則是基督教豐盛生命堂的吳姊妹夫婦捐贈。 同心合意,興旺福音。 (文章日期20130123)
同心合意 興旺福音
能與眾教會及主內群體一同服侍神作主工是何等蒙福。 我需要即時作見証一個發生於昨天,神的作為。 前天,土瓜灣浸信會天龍弟兄來電,因我手機遺於家中,以致他未能接觸到我。 第二天早上我致電天龍弟兄,得知他們教會正在服侍一個困難家庭,母親帶著三個孩子,剛搬到土瓜灣區一個分割單位,缺乏傢俱,急需雪櫃一個。 在我們教會收集的傢俱電器中,剛有一個小雪櫃,但輪候的需求卻有5個,我未能決定。 但不足一小時,我的太太同工接到一個電話,一位久違的姊妹,香港有品的凌葉麗嬋姊妹來電通知有一個甚好的家庭小雪櫃要送出,神的時間真好,祂是那麼快速回應一切人的需要,特別是當教會及主內群體能同心合一服侍的時候。 昨日神結連兩間教會 (可能是三間) 和主內機構作此關愛服侍。 這家的母親在適時得着雪櫃,滿有感恩。 讚美神。 (文章日期20110909)
Serving God is Blessing
Serving God is blessing. Serving God together with brethren of other churches, is blessing upon blessings.
Weeks ago, owing to home-moving, brethren couple Ah Ming & Wai Tse, from the EFCC Yan Fook Church, contacted us with the wish to give out some excess furniture and home items to needy families through our church. However, since the furniture were in rather big size and numerous, housed in the 8th floor of an old residential building without lift, the collecting job exceeded our handling ability using internal resource. Even if we were to employ delivery company for the job, paying for something without much possibility of giving out in short time, might not be suitable, wasting fuel and increasing exhaustion was also a concern. If in case the furniture stay, expensive storage cost had to be considered too. However, Ah Ming & Wai Tse are people with heart, after a few weeks they decided to pay for and deliver the items to our church. Being hearted people, I believe they are also responsible person. Ah Ming & Wai Tse had taken up the responsibility to clear and clean the flat in moving out, the work and fee were un-avoidable. Even the furniture were to be dumped as rubbish, they had to be taken to the dumped items (not necessary rubbish) collection station next door to our church. Sending them further up to our church cost no extra money and created no extra waste. Thank God.
On that one day brother Ah Ming called in again to confirm delivering the furniture to our church within one or two days, just a day before, brother Owen Lam form the Blessing Thai Service Centre called in to acknowledge the urgent furniture and home items need of two Thai families, who just moved into government estate. So, the furniture arrived on Friday, after immediate evaluation, some cleaning and repairing, nearly half of them were sent out on Sunday. Amongst the items sent in by Ah Ming & Wai Tse, there was an old and dirty, but still working fine and very cold fridge. Some of our Filipino sisters did proper cleaning on Sunday after worship. After 2 days, the fridge was given to a keen-serving brother Vincent Leung of the Hung Home Christian Church for rough-use in workplace. How good is the timing of God and His work. Hallelujah.
The remaining furniture, including a general storage cupboard and a very big wardrobe, the cupboard became a good item after deep cleaning. But for the 6-feet-wide wardrobe, demand is gloomy, too big for the root-classes we are serving. Thank God He gave me the wisdom and ability to convert it into a 4- feet-wide tall wardrobe. Meanwhile, sister Annie of HK Evangelical Yan Chiu Church, is ministering a non-believer young lady, living on her own and recently moved into government estate, with furniture and household items lacking. So, yesterday 20130122, 5 of us, including Annie, another brother Mike, me and my wife Grace, and a new South Asian believer, worked together to deliver the cupboard, the wardrobe, and a washing machine, to Tsang Kwan O, put and properly fixed, and this job of love thus accomplished. Encouragement and caring advice were given to the lady too. Glory to God.
Amongst the items given to the Thai families, there was a metal double-bunker given out recently by sister Mrs Lai from another church. The washing machine was a recent gift from Sister Ng & husband, of Abundant Life Christian Church. Preaching the gospel in one accord. (article dated 20130123)
Preaching the Gospel in One Accord
What a blessing to be able to serve God and minister His work along with other churches and Christian bodies. I need to testify immediately one act of God happened yesterday. Brother Tin Lun of Tokwawan Baptist church called up day before yesterday but I was un-available to him because my hand phone was left home. This morning I called him up and he mentioned of serving a family with a broken-up mother and 3 kids. The family just rented a partitioned flat in local district Tokwawan, need a fridge urgently. We have one unit in stock but there are 5 waiting demands and I could not decide, but God really gave me the heart to help, so we arranged to visit the family in the evening first. But in less than an hour, my co-worker wife received a call from a sister Josephine of Hong Kong Character City, who had not been calling or visiting us for a year. She called to tell us to come take a good family-size fridge, what a perfect timing. Our God is so quick in satisfying the need of some person, especially when churches and Christian bodies are heart-united to serve. God joined-force two churches and one organization in Christ for a job to love-care a family in need. The mother was grateful to Jesus to have the fridge on time. Praise the Lord. (Article dated 20110909