透過周頌文弟兄認識惜食堂(小寶基金事工),參與食物食材重用,已超越一年。 惜食堂提供的食物食材,包括飯盒杯麵;蛋糕麵包;飲品乳酪;蔬菜生果;急凍魚雞翼豬骨;中秋月餅端午糉等等,實在多不勝數,亦美不勝收。 透過本教會的社區聯繫;紅土區和城中眾教會的服侍網絡;和其他教牧同工弟兄姊妹,食品食材皆能即時或適時送贈有需要群體。 此乃神自己的工作,也是眾教會和主內肢體同心同力的成果。 哈利路亞。
與此同時,耶穌恩典福音教會亦有幸在物資傢品服侍上,將別人剩餘的有用物品轉送惜食堂。更蒙惜食堂沒有厭棄接收再用,讓本教會的物資傢品事工蒙福。 感謝神。
神創造天地萬物神皆視為美好,亦同時創造人類予以重任,好好管理。 耶穌在世日子以身作則,在餵飽五千的人五餅二魚事件中,將剩餘食物收集免得糟蹋。 讓我們按著聖經真理和人的良知,愛護保護地球,盡力將地球資源適當運用。 更要實踐源頭減廢,減耗減排。 少用,少耗,少買,少取;再用,多次用,多方用,共用。 合神心意,何樂而不為。 (文章日期20130701)
Working with Food Angel
Through brother Julian Chow we came to know Food Angel (a mission by the Bo Charity Foundation), and became involved in re-using of food stuff and food materials to help others, for more than a year. The food items provided by Food Angel, including box meal & cup noodle; cake & bread; drinks & yougurt; vegetables & fruits; frozen fish, chicken wing & pork bone; moon cake & rice dumpling etc, are numerous and very delicious. Through the community connection of the EGC of Jesus; church-networks of the Hung Hom & Tokwawan districts and arround the City, and through other co-workers and brethren in Christ, the food items are re-distributed to needy others immediately or in good time. This is the act of God Himself, as well as the work of many churches and brethren in accorded heartd and effort. Hallelujah.
At the same time, the EGC of Jesus is previleged to re-distribute other stuff and funitures etc, surplus items given away by others, to Food Angel. Food Angel is very humble to in-take and re-use the items without negativity, putting blessings to our Substance and Funitures ministries.
Basing on the same concepts and principles, Food Angel and EGC of Jesus effort ourselves in collecting surpls food and other re-usable stuff around the City, with lowest enviromental cost possible: re-treating and re-distribute them to needy others. Putting a bit of contribution in helping the underprevileged along enviromental preservation.
God create the world and God see everything good. God also create human beings to rule (take care of) everything of the world. With Himself a role model, Jesus, in His days on earth, He instructed to collect all the left-over food to avoid wasting, in that event of feeding 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fishes. May we observe the biblical truth and human conscience, love others and protect the globe. Be careful in usage of resources. Practise wastage reduction at origin. Cut consumption & reduce emission. Use less; waste less; buy less; take less. Use again; use more times; use in more ways; use with others. This in the desire of God, why not practise accordingly? (article dated 20130701)