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証道勸勉20130127 Sermon & Encouragement

証道勸勉 20130127
講員唐寶振長老    主題:被罰人生-女人




起初神創造天地;與其中一切;包括第一對男女,一切都是好的。  於其創造中,神亦將對美好、悅人與有益事物的慾求,內置於祂創造的男女生命中。  神的創造皆為美善,但也需用於好途,更不能用於違反神的誡命。  女人因慾求違反神的誡命,吃了不應吃的知善惡果,以致遭神懲罰:

神創造女人,有神美意。  既作男人幫助,也負起神聖任務:生養眾多,延續人類。  可是,女人卻因慾求犯錯受罰,以致生產 (筆者相信,包括整個婦女生育系統,月事),多受苦楚和不適,是所有真女人必然的人生經歷。  然而這苦楚與不適只在前半生。  更年期過後,懲罰期完結,女人在生、心理上得釋放,開始人生黃金時間。 

另一項女人得著的懲罰,是慾求受轄制。  女人既不能自己好好管轄慾求,神就將女人的慾求(戀慕)置於丈夫管轄中。  丈夫為妻子的頭,妻子需服從丈夫。  神如此安排並非要建立一個丈夫主控女人的夫妻關係。  目的只為幫助女人管轄慾求,免作錯事。

因著第一個女人的過犯,所有後裔女人都承受相同的過犯生命與懲罰安排,不能變。  但在不變的過犯生命與懲罰中,女人可以活得更好。  筆者相信,若女人在慾求上能好好自我管轄,從丈夫來的管轄,神會安排減少,從丈夫來的愛則增多。  再加上一個能遵從神話語和命令的生命,神當為女人安排一個愛她,合她心意更或合神心意的丈夫。

倘若女人在慾求上依然犯錯,神讓擁有的丈夫變為壞丈夫,讓女人因戀慕壞丈夫而更多受苦。  好丈夫更可能失去,女人經歷戀慕失落或遭棄。  更壞的是,女人因慾求要戀慕不是自己丈夫的男人,進一步違反聖經真理。  倘若這不是自己丈夫的男人是壞男人,就苦上加苦。

人犯罪就當受罰,一切不能變,這是神律例典章的懲罰安排,神的命定。  神頒下律法是叫人知罪;離開罪;不犯罪。  但世人不能,因世人皆有罪,虧缺了神的榮耀。  我們需要恩典.

証道勸勉 20130203
講員:唐寶振長老   主題:被罰人生-男人

女人因慾求導致違反神的禁令受罰。 男人卻因聽從女人的話語導致違反神的禁令,遭受神的懲罰:
歷史為証,古今中外,各國各族,除特別原因外,皆男主外,女主內。  男主外者,乃男人在家外,不論是種田獵野、或是打工做生意等,皆須勞碌作工,才可糊口得生,甚而養妻活兒,維持家庭。  
按聖經真理,男人受罰並非因為聽從女人話語。  歸根究底,只因違反神的禁令,作了不應作的事情。  神創造男人,命他管理地上萬物,更為他造了女人作配偶幫助。  既作幫助,女人在話語上對男人作提點、忠告、進言和給意見,是創造的本份。  若女人的話語正確,男人聽從實無不妥。  更何況男人聽從女人的話語,乃神在創造中,內置於男人中的特性。  錯在於男人的不謹慎,未有判斷女人的話語是否違反神的命令而錯作,或是而明知故犯。 
神創造男人,內置聽從女人話語的習性,實有其美意。  神創造男人亦知其獨居不好。  男人獨居有甚麼不好? 歷史為証,眾所周知,不用多言。  神給男人做女人作配偶妻子,免得男人獨居,二人一體,生養延續,同負一軛; 更令男人聽從女人話,是神美好計劃。  撒旦不忿,誓作破壞,藉著女人的慾求,欺騙女人違反神禁令犯錯,男人聽從女人話語也犯錯。  如此男女受懲罰,也導致所有人類後裔受罰。  更而人人皆有一死,死後且有審判。  
所有世人皆如此經歷,罪性的人類無一幸免。  神的律法讓我們因罪受罰,唯有相信耶穌,靠耶穌恩典得生。


証道勸勉 20130210
講員:唐寶振長老 主題:耶穌恩典超越定罪
經文:羅馬書 3:19-24


Sermon & Encouragement 20130127
Preacher: Elder Peter Tong   Topic: Punished Life-woman
Scripture: Genesis 3 verses16-19 

Scripture in brief: 

Increase the pangs of woman in childbearing. 

Woman's desire shall be for her husband, and husband shall rule over her.


Scripture Teaching:       


In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth; everything in them; including the first man and woman, and all were good.  In His creation, God in-built man and woman with the desire for what was good, pleasing and beneficial. All things created by God are good by origin, yet they have to be used for good purpose, and should never be used against the command of God.  Woman fulfilled her desire but against the command of God, ate the forbidden fruit of knowing good and evil, leading to punishment by God:

   Increased pangs in childbearing.

   Their desire is for her husband, her husband rule over her.

This punishment continues with mankind in every women descendant, same for all races and nationality, throughout history, with exception only for particular reasons.


God created woman with good purpose.  Other than being helper to man, woman was to take up the ordained duty to multiply and to continue mankind with descendants.  However, woman committed wrong when fulfilling her desire and was punished, with increased pangs in childbearing (which the author believe to include the whole reproduction system, menstrual period, etc, of woman), an un-avoidable life-experience for every real woman.  But this painful and inconvenient experience is only for the first half-life.  After menopause, the sentence finish and women are physically and psychologically freed to start their prime time of life.


Another punishment woman received, was her desire being restricted.  Since woman could not well-control desire by herself, God put her desire under control by putting woman under the rule of her husband.  Husband is to be head of wife, wife is to obey husband.  Such arrangement by God is not for creating a male-dominating system in the relationship between married man and woman, but for helping woman to control desire, and not to do wrong.


Owing to the wrong doing of the first woman, all women descendant inherit a wrong-doing life and punishment, nothing can be changed.  However, women can live better in these un-changeable punished lives.  The author believe, if women can well control their desire themselves,  the rule and control from husbands will reduce, and love from husbands increase instead, God so arranges.  Further, with lives obedient to the words and commands of God, God provide women with husbands who love them, pleasing to their hearts and even pleasing to God's heart.


However, if women continue making mistakes because of desire, God may allow existing husbands become bad, and women suffer more in being desirous of bad husbands.  Even good husbands may be lost, and women are to experience emptiness in desire or being abandoned.  Worse is, women have to put their desire in other men not being their husbands, violate biblical truth further.  These other men, not being their husbands, if they are bad guy, will add further sufferings.


Men and women have to be punished if they commit wrongs, this is the rule of the laws of God, what God has ordained is not changeable.  God gave His laws for man to know sin and wrongs; to stay away from them; and not to commit.  But every human-being fails, all are sinful, fall short of the glory of God.  We need GRACE.




Sermon & Encouragement 20130203
Preacher: Elder Peter Tong   Topic: Punished Life-man
Scripture: Genesis 3 verses16-19

Scripture in brief:

In toil man shall eat of the ground all the days of his life.               


Scripture teaching:

Woman was punished by God for deed against the command of God.  Man was punished by God for the same wrong, but owing to listening to woman:

     In toil man shall eat of the ground all the days of his life.


Witnessed by history, throughout time and space, all races and nations, except for particular reasons and cases, men are the usually the ones working outdoor, and women indoor.  Working outdoor means that, whether farming or hunting; under employment or self-employed, men are the ones to labour and work hard, in order to be fed and survive themselves, the wives and children; to maintain families.


According to biblical truth, man was punished not because of listening to woman.  The root cause was:  bleaching the command of God, doing what should not be done.  God created man, assigned him with the job of looking after all things on earth, and created him a helper mate.  Being helper, it was the duty of creation for woman to point out; advise; voice out and give ideas to man.  There was nothing wrong for man to listen if the words of woman, especially his wife, were correct.  Let alone, it was a practice or characteristic in-built  by  God  in His creation.  The problem being that man was not careful enough, lacking judgement on the words of woman, which was against the command of God, and wrongly acted accordingly, or knowingly acted wrongly.


God created man. inbuilt him with the characteristic of listening to the words of woman, with good intension.  God created man knowing that it was not good for man to be alone.  What is wrong with men being alone?  Witnessed by history, everybody should know, no need to elaborate.  God created woman to be mate and wife of man, so man needed not to be alone, two became on flesh, give birth and multiply, carry the same yoke; and further made man to listen to woman, was good plan of God.  Satan was not happy, determined to cause trouble, exploited the desire of woman, cheated her to act against the command of God and acted wrongly, man also acted wrongly because of listening.  Man and woman were thou punished, leading to all descendants of human punished.  Further on, all human have to die, and there will be judgement after death.


All human have the same life experience, no one are exempted because of this sinful nature.  The law of God ordained us to punished, and the only exit is believing in Jesus, we live because of His Grace



Sermon & Encouragement 20130210
Preacher: Elder Peter Tong
Topic: Punishment overcame by the Grace of Jesus
Scripture: Roman 3:19-24

Scripture in brief:

The law of God speaks to the whole world, that everyone is held accountable to punishment of God because of sin.
But now everyone can be justified by God's grace as a gift, through redemption in Christ Jesus.